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Written by Robbie Mack, illustrated by Luca Casalanguida, colored by Natalia Nesterenko, lettered by Joel Rodriguez and edited by Andrea Molinari . Published by Scout Comics


Dancing With the Dragon is an anti-hero story for people who like to root for the underdog and love a good romance. While serving as a cautionary tale about getting involved with organized crime, it also provides hope that we all have the power to change our fate. This story also pays tribute to the old adage that behind every great man is an even greater woman!


Connor O’Sullivan is a hapless limo driver trying to provide a better life for his girlfriend, Blythe. They came to San Francisco seeking the American Dream, but a year later they are strapped for cash and their prospects are slim. Desperate to change their fate, Connor resumes the money-laundering activities from his recently-deceased customer. Despite drawing attention from the FBI, success comes quickly and the life Connor and Blythe have always wanted seems within reach. However, Connor places his trust in the wrong person and is manipulated into a dangerous scam. Now he’s running for his life from the Triads and only Blythe and the FBI can save him. This Tarantinoesque tale culminates with a classic double-cross and a violent climax that can’t be missed! 

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Hildebrand - Valkyrie

Written by Robbie Mack, illustrated by Luca Casalanguida, colored by Natalia Nesterenko, lettered by Joel Rodriguez and edited by Andrea Molinari . Published by Caliber Comics


Hildebrand Valkyrie is an epic adventure that will appeal to fans of HBO's Game of Thrones and the History Channel's Vikings. It is a tale of what might have been achieved by a courageous young woman with a warrior's spirit in the harsh setting of medieval Europe. Not for the faint of heart, this graphic novel serves up a visual feast of savage and gruesome battle scenes, with an abundance of bodies, blades, and blood!


In 9th century England, a twist of fate enables a poor viking orphan called Hildebrand to overcome adversity and rise to knighthood. After a fateful reunion with her estranged missionary father, Hildebrand leads an army to repel a viking invasion of her homeland. However, her victory celebration is short-lived when her father reveals the truth of their secret lineage. Now the two must embark on a perilous journey across Europe to meet with the Pope in Rome, where they may be accused of heresy and meet with a torturous fate.

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Dancing With The Dragon
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Written by Lisa Devita, edited by Seve Schelenz, illustrated & colored by Jae Korim 

Contributing Editor & Graphic Design: Robbie MacK 


Peelers - Dark Days ahead is a comic Vigilante Comix was commissioned to make for the horror movie ‘Peelers’ by its Director & Producer, Seve Schelenz, at Pounds (LBS) Pictures. In this prequel comic, you will see how a couple of hapless coal miners get exposed to  an oily substance with horrific side effects! You’ll also get to meet a group of friends who work at a fun-loving strip joint near the mine. What’s the link between the two? You’ll have to read the comic and watch the movie to find out! 


If you are involved with the production of a movie and think a comic book adaptation would be a good way to promote the movie, go to our contact page and let us know what you are looking for. We'll be sure to respond, and if we can agree on terms, Vigilante Comix could create a promotional comic for your movie!

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Written by Robbie MacK, illustrated by Jae Korim & colored by Dennis Lehmann


Deborah Daring is a 6-issue limited series about Deborah Darington, a perky paralegal with a military background and a taste for trouble. Deb started moonlighting as a private investigator, because she was getting bored to death with her work at the office. Her investigations hadn’t been very exciting until recently, when she took on a strange case from a mystery client. Now she's got all the intrigue and excitement she can handle! Fortunately, she's got the assistance of police officer, Jacques Brousseau, who was her army buddy in Afghanistan. Soon the two of them find themselves embroiled in a case involving the Russian Mafia and corruption too close to home. If that wasn't enough to worry about, Deb keeps having nightmares about her service time in Afghanistan and they're starting to take a toll on her relationship with her boyfriend, Ray. Can Deb solve the case for her client, not get killed by a Russian assassin and keep her relationship together? Join Deb as she battles the bad guys, unravels her first big mystery and gradually becomes a true DETECTIVE!

Crude Awakening
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Written by Robbie MacK, illustrated by Dario Carrasco & colored by Natalia Nesterenko


Crude Awakening is the story about the horror unleashed in an Alberta oil town after an ancient spirit from the Cree Nation is awakened by the wild fires in Fort McMurray. The re-animated corpse of a First Nations prostitute crawls out of a tainted bitumen tailings pond and attacks some of the town’s homeless population. Once infected by the black oily sludge oozing from her body, the victims turn into crazed zombies that seek to spread the infection. Bryn Walker, is the unlucky police officer that first discovers one of the infected. She is called to investigate a burned out house, inhabited by a homeless teenage boy and his infected girlfriend. After a brief and violent altercation with the zombified teenage girl, Bryn returns to her department headquarters to find out it has been over-run by zombies. Her partner, John Redcrow, survives the initial zombie attack, and his hunch that an ancient Cree legend has something to do with the zombie outbreak is key for the two of them to eventually put an end to the zombie onslaught.

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© 2024 Robert MacKinnon. Vigilante Comix, including its logo and all prominent characters and content featured herein are the property of Robert MacKinnon, unless otherwise noted. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means (except for short excerpts for review purposes) without the express written permission of Robert MacKinnon.

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